Write. Publish. Repeat. (Review.)

WPR cover

I just finished this excellent how-to book for Indie Authors from the creators of the Self-Publishing Podcast. It was filled with great tips for writers, easy to follow plans for promoting your work, and lots of real world examples from the authors’ own Indie publishing experiences.

I am already inspired to write more, write consistently, and to focus on “80% activities.” It feels like stuff I’ve heard before, but written in a “no-nonsense, take this advice from your buddy” kind of format. Their advice to write every day (including weekends, so you can stay in the flow), write to a word goal, and not to edit while working on your first draft is already helping me on my current project. I have set myself an achievable word count goal which is about 1/3 the daily goal of NaNoWriMo and it’s really helping me stay on track with the project that I started and abandoned in November.

sean and johnny

The book is divided into five sections:

  1. Prefatory matters
  2. Understanding the self-publishing landscape
  3. Preparing your books and making readers love you
  4. Marketing your work
  5. Thinking like a new wave publisher

There is also a section at the back full of other successful self-published authors like Hugh Howey, CJ Lyons, and Joanna Penn. So you’ve got their advice on top of the SPP crew’s advice and you don’t regret your purchase one bit. (Especially if you got it as part of a boxed set of three for $0.99 like I did.) Click here for purchase info.

Highly recommended for indie authors, either current or curious.

If you’d like to keep up to date with future release dates for my books, including the WIP mentioned above, please sign up for my mailing list. (This is one of their recommendations – how am I doing, guys?)

4 thoughts on “Write. Publish. Repeat. (Review.)

  1. Those guys are my new heroes. This book is my new bible. They explain basically how to set up your own self-publishing business. They point out that people often wait for lightning to strike, waiting for that one breakout bestseller, but that instead, one should try to make their own lightning – (i.e. don’t hope one book will do extraordinary, write several books that will do well). In other words, make your own lightning.

    Listening to their podcast has become my favorite new pastime. Although, I hate to admit it, the first 20-30 mins of every podcast is basically them goofing on each other until someone finally is like, “OK let’s talk about the topic.”

    Personally, I’m all for tomfoolery and shenanigans so I don’t mind. I don’t know if others do. But at any rate, their shows are worth listening to and if you wade through the silliness you’ll learn something.


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